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About Us

Welcome to the patchy, upcycled world of planet Reverse. I’m your virtual guide through your ungendered fashion universe. 

Picture this: A fusion of innovative designs, timeless elegance, and a dash of avant-garde flair- all while being sustainable.

With Planet Reverse, you can embody individuality and uniqueness. So buckle up for an adventure, because at Planet Reverse, the fun never takes a day off!


So what is so special about Planet Reverse you ask?

Well, to start with we provide you with the best designs made of patches in the most creative make. What makes us even more special is the gender and age neutrality that we will carry forward with every product. 

Not to forget that all our products are upcycled into a better version of their initial state. (Which mostly are fabric scrap ready to be burnt)

Our Story

2 people passionate about making unique fashion staples in the most environmentally friendly way met. The rest is history.


Of course, we’re gonna tell you the history.


Then they met an amazing group of women who would later work together with them to produce the most rendered wearable art with fabscrap.


They are particularly looking to keep their baby brand as transparent as possible so expect stories of how each product was made.

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